Detailed guides to painful problems, treatments & more

The PainScience eBookstore

Book-length online tutorials about common stubborn pain problems & injuries, like back pain, runner’s knee, and muscle pain

74,300 books sold since 2007. ?This is a tough number for anyone to audit, because my customer database is completely private and highly secure. But if a regulatory agency ever said “show us your math,” I certainly could! This count is automatically updated once every day or two, and rounded down to the nearest 100. Due to some oddities in technology over the years, it’s probably a bit of an underestimate. See also customer help, login, about, security/privacy. Existing customer, adding to your library? Login before purchase.

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Example: as a Canadian, if I pay $19.95 USD, my credit card converts it at a high rate and charges me $26.58 CAD. But if I select Canadian dollars here, I pay only $24.95 CAD.

Why so different? If you pay in United States dollars (USD), your credit card will convert the USD price to your card’s native currency, but the card companies often charge too much for conversion — it’s a way for them to make a little extra money, of course. So I offer my customers prices converted at slightly better than the current rate.

BUY $1995
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57,000 words
Headache • A detailed guide to the weird world of “tension” headache, more common than even back pain. Few seemingly simple conditions are more puzzling when you try to figure out what they are really all about. This thorough guide is mainly about classic tension headaches, but also about troubleshooting unexplained headaches that may or may not have anything to do with “tension.” Updated Feb 26.
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56,000 words
Frozen Shoulder • One of the strangest of the common musculoskeletal conditions, frozen shoulder is the tip of a biological iceberg, with many interesting implications for diagnosis and treatment. Few problems can benefit as much from education as frozen shoulder. Although largely incurable, there are surprising sources of hope and rehab opportunity, and my reviews of the treatment options are surprisingly positive. Updated Nov 11.
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210,000 words
Trigger Points • Muscle knots cause or complicate many of the world’s aches and pains, and this book takes a “teach a man to fish” approach to dealing with them. Even if muscle knots are not your main problem, they are often the most treatable part of another problem. Updated Nov 23.
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92,000 words
IT Band Pain • A perpetual best-seller for runners and by far the most detailed information available anywhere about this frustrating knee problem. IT band syndrome takes the prize for “most misunderstood common knee pain.” Many readers have told me that this book saved them from thousands of dollars worth of useless therapy and months of wasted time. Audiobook version included, read by the author. Updated Dec 22.
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217,500 words
Low Back Pain • Most low back pain books try to convince you that there’s a cure. This book debunks those books — like Myth Busters for your back — so that you can stop wasting your time and money on therapies that don’t make much sense. It presents one major treatment theory that’s quite safe, inexpensive, bullshit-free, and not widely known; it also reviews many of other major treatments and key concepts as well. Updated Aug 22.
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112,500 words
Neck Pain • Dive into the mysteries of neck pain and especially the awful phenomenon of the neck “crick”: what is that feeling, and what can be done about it? Like all books, myths are debunked, especially the neck posture myth, and every imaginable self-treatment option is reviewed. Updated Jan 13.
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117,500 words
Patellar Pain • Knee pain hope. Ordinary “arthritic” knee pain has its myths, but it is ridiculously complex. This extremely thorough, readable guide demystifies frontal knee pain and explains why conventional therapy almost always fails … and what might work instead. Updated Sep 19.
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77,000 words
Plantar Fasciitis • The problem with plantar fasciitis is that it may not have anything to do with the plantar fascia. There are a few different causes of similar heel pain. Even when it is about the plantar fascia, the exact problem is poorly understood and tricky to treat. Audiobook version included, read by the author. Updated Dec 10.
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46,000 words
Shin Pain • Do you know why your shins hurt? There are four very different types of shin pain. This tutorial breaks it down for you and goes through all the treatment options and recent science. About 20 times more information about shin splints in one place than you can get anywhere else. Updated Feb 12.
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36,000 words
Muscle Strain • Everything you need to know about the humble muscle strain — routinely mistaken for other things. Ideal for athletes with strains that never seem to heal. Updated Jun 15.

Paying in your own (non-USD) currency is always cheaper! My prices are set slightly lower than current exchange rates, but most cards charge extra for conversion.

Example: as a Canadian, if I pay $19.95 USD, my credit card converts it at a high rate and charges me $26.58 CAD. But if I select Canadian dollars here, I pay only $24.95 CAD.

Why so different? If you pay in United States dollars (USD), your credit card will convert the USD price to your card’s native currency, but the card companies often charge too much for conversion — it’s a way for them to make a little extra money, of course. So I offer my customers prices converted at slightly better than the current rate.

You can buy only one book at a time… or all of them! The e-boxed set is a steeply discounted bundle of all 10 tutorials, ideal for professionals and keen patients. Includes several bonus audio downloads. See the boxed set information page.

10 book thumbnail images of ebook covers in a 2 by 4 grid, showing off the complete contents of the set.
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Stubborn painful problems are often misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and mistreated. These book-length tutorials are crammed with tips, tricks, and insights. Although written as self-help guides for patients, they are also built for pros, with lots of footnotes and extra detail for readers who want to dig deeper. No miracle cures are for sale here — just sensible information, scientifically current, backed up by a huge bibliography and hundreds more free articles. is a small Canadian publisher, selling books this way for about 18 years now (~74,300 books sold). Tutorials are $20 USD each (or $100 for all 10) and can be purchased and accessed in a couple minutes. No “account” or password is needed. Each book has a large, free introduction so you can get a good feel for it before you buy. Uncomfortable with buying things online? You’re welcome to give me a ring to confirm that I’m “real.” I am. 😃

Head shot of author Paul Ingraham, handsome devil, tidy dark hair, thick eyebrows, and a short goatee, in a black suit jacket and a nice blue shirt.

Paul Ingraham Publisher
Vancouver CANADA
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Q. What do I get, exactly? A. Payment unlocks all chapters of your book(s). Each book is basically a huge webpage, and payment gives you access to the entire thing. Access is permanent and includes several updates per year. An audiobook version is automatically included for two topics (plantar fasciitis and IT band syndrome).

Q. Are there print versions? A. Electronic only, sorry. You can print the books yourself, but the larger ones would be a strain on a home printer.

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Contribute! Buy nothing but spend money anyway…

If you don’t really need a book, but you’ve found useful, you can say thank you with a contribution.

Praise for books

Testimonial icon

References, sources, studies, science, actual facts! The humour and occasional cat reference are nice bonuses.

Adrian Gardner

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Wow, what an impressive amount of material you’ve produced in the vast desert of factual “physio” information.

Lea Palkin

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The option to send you a meaningful sum of money was a no brainer. It will also not be the last donation, as I would conservatively estimate that your website has saved me multiple thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours in unnecessary professional treatments. Your work is a treasure, sir!

Greg Hughes

(Many more of these below, plus some musings about my reluctance to use testimonials at all.)

9 reasons tutorials are awesome (and worth a few bucks)

There is a lot of free health information online. Why would you buy any? What makes these tutorials worth paying for? Other than the fact that most free health information on the internet is crappy …

  1. Free future editions. Books about health science are almost obsolete by the time they hit the shelves. I constantly revise, update, and expand tutorials as the science evolves. And you can read the updates, for free, forever.
  2. A sense of humour. isn’t a comedy website, but I do make a genuine attempt to make dry material about pain at least a little bit fun. There’s whimsy and sass.
  1. A way with words that makes more interesting, useful and fun. I was a professional writer long before I was a massage therapist (and now long since).
  2. Heavily researched … and beautifully footnoted. I spent a bunch of money and worked for years to create “good footnotes” for It’s absurdly idealistic.
  3. Respect for science and reason. Amen! I have a zero tolerance policy for bullshit. Logical fallacies are banned from I am debunking myths instead of perpetuating them or selling pet theories, big promises, and miracle cures.
  4. Easy on the eyes. Elegantly simple design. is “a clean, well-lighted place.” I can’t knowingly publish a sloppy document any more than I could cut off my own hand — it’s just not in me.
  5. They will save you money. For a few dollars, my tutorials often save readers hundreds or thousands of dollars in unnecessary or inefficient therapy expenses.
  6. Satisfaction guaranteed, of course, and good customer service in general. If you aren’t happy with your purchase, all you have to do is write to me and we take care of it. One of my biggest pet peeves in life is crappy customer service.
  7. No shipping. Digital publishing means you can buy and read these documents now — no trip to the bookstore, and no trees have to die. (Funny how this bullet point seemed more amazing a few years ago, but hey … still great.)

Interested in ebooks and publishing? You might enjoy this rant: Better eBooks! What’s wrong with the ebook industry (and how I’m making something better for my customers)

Genuine praise that I totally did not make up: lots of testimonials (and the trouble with using them)

I have mixed feelings about testimonials. On the one hand, yikes: they are strongly associated with snake oil. Quacks use testimonials to sell their wares. I do not want to be in that club. I do not want to resemble that club.

Also, everyone knows that unscrupulous businesses invent testimonials. They just make ‘em up. Many smart people just flat out don’t believe any testimonials are genuine, and that is prudent.

On the other hand, I get a lot of lovely fan mail from people who truly appreciate what I’m trying to do here. When a librarian writes to tell me what a marvellous job I’ve done with my bibliography, I am proud of that, and I want to share. And so, cautiously, I collect the testimonials that are mainly focused on the quality of the information. The ones I’ve shared below are just a few of the shorter ones specifically about one/all of my books.

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I am a mostly retired ER doc in Oregon who just finished reading your ITBS tutorial. Impressive. I enjoy something medical from a non medical person's perspective — refreshing, in your case. A very nice job.

Arnold Donstain

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Very interesting to read! Thanks for all the research and clearing up a lot of mysteries that I’ve tried over the years. I wish I’d bought it the first time I came across your book instead of scouring research myself and drawing no conclusions…

Angela Talbot

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I am so thankful I found your ebook. It gave me valuable information to question my treatment and move forward to obtain a second opinion, which was badly needed.

Jonathan Faver

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Thanks for a well written, humorous and informative piece. Your book helped me understand what I did to my knee running and how to treat (and not treat!) stubborn injury. Might see you jogging through Stanley Park or water front, on one of our visits to daughter, love Vancouver.

Matt Randlett

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Your online guide is an amazing collection of data and reference. I’m very hopeful and wanted to share my story with you. Thanks again!

Dominique Phan

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Thank you for such helpful, intelligent information on neck issues. I am so thankful that I read your information and no more. You answered every lingering question and are persuasive in counselling calm and patience.

Virginia Avila, Retired Teacher & Attorney

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Your book is so comprehensive and outlines a lot of what I have also found, with more explanation and scientific backing, and then expands upon it. I purchased it this afternoon and have read it almost cover to cover all afternoon and evening!

Tanvir England

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Firstly I would like to thank you for your Trigger Point therapy book, which is very easy to read and follow (and the witty sense of humor doesn’t hurt!).

Yusra Winters

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First, thank you for the very informative e-book; I am thoroughly enjoying it — which is strange since it’s a medical text. That attests to your ability to write in a very engaging and easy-to-follow tone.

Safia Salinas

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Your tutorial on patellarfemoral syndrome really cut through a lot of misinformation I’ve received from MDs and PTs.

Alastair Rosario

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Thank you for delivering information about trigger points and resulting pain in a manner that is understandable to the general public. While I am a Physical Therapist most everything I read or listen to automatically gets translated into a more scientific jargon. This helps me to relay the message to my clients.

Kaydon Joyner, physical therapist

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Thank you so much for taking the time to put this book together, and in a way that makes it feel like you wrote it just for me! You have a great writing style.

Chyna Pittman

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I appreciate all of the effort you put into your website and tutorials, and your customer service is beyond exceptional. I always refer people to your site and I will continue to do so indefinitely. Thanks again!

Kiri Cartwright

Testimonial icon

Thank you so much for taking the time to put this book together, and in a way that makes it feel like you wrote it just for me! You have a great writing style.

Hanna Beck

Testimonial icon

Buying your “bundle” a while back was one of the better decisions of my life, as a 63-year-old runner and amateur athlete. I refer to them for different issues as they crop up, and I like also to be able to pass them on to friends.

Daniyal Terry, Nurse Practitioner

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I appreciate what appears to be a well-researched, sobering, humble but hopeful approach to this complex condition.

Frankie Koch

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I have spent thousands of dollars over the last 20 years on chiro, PT, orthopaedic appointments, MRI’s, etc. Your research is like a breath of fresh air!

Haleema Bourne

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I just bought your trigger point book and am already very happy about it. So easy to read and understand. I started another one but all I saw was a jumble of scientific words I couldn’t remember anyway.

Rico Davenport

Testimonial icon

Thanks again for putting together all the back pain research — a good percentage of it anyway — into an easy-to-read publication.

Nojus Proctor

Testimonial icon

Thanks for the great tutorial! Much more helpful than any of the professionals I’ve seen for my chronic running-induced shin pain — all the doctors, sports massage therapists, chiropractors, and physical therapists!

Cassandra Clarke

Testimonial icon

I was so sick of reading crappy little articles with the same old advice. Seems like there’s about ten thousand that all say the same useless things. Thanks for the deep dive!

Sandra Frank, Ottawa, Ontario

Testimonial icon

Thank you immensely for the best, most sensible and credible information on back pain. So glad you came up in my google search. Credible, reassuring, and humorous too.

Suzanne Haslett, Suzanne Haslett, Masters in Human Development (Oxford)

Testimonial icon

I enjoyed your trigger point tutorial and read the whole thing again last Friday. I also sent it to two friends who are having problems. It’s the education your site has armed me with that is most valuable to me.

Melinda Alltree, Vancouver

Testimonial icon

I really appreciate your objectivity.

Dr. Bryan Allf, MD, North Carolina

Testimonial icon

I love your IT band tutorial. Is there any way that I can keep it forever, or maybe order a hard copy? This information is very valuable to me — I would like to be able to refer to it permanently.

Marilyn Anderson, Aspen, Colorado

Of course I hope it will be a book someday! Meanwhile, customers are welcome to electronically preserve and/or print my tutorials. ~ Paul

Testimonial icon

Given what I have learned about patellofemoral pain syndrome over the last two years through personal experience, your tutorial is probably the best summary of everything I have seen.


Testimonial icon

It’s hard to work out what causes the trouble in the first place, and different strategies work for different people, but thanks to your advice and recommendations I’m running, and a lot less grumpy! Thank you!

Debbie Bridgland, mid-distance runner, Atwell, Australia

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This has already served as a massive eye opener for me. It makes a huge amount of sense where previously there was only confusion.

Greg Bruce, “struggling masters athlete”

Testimonial icon

Thanks for your great work. I’ve read about ITBS for years and everything I’ve ever read did not add up to ½ of the information you provided.

Kevin Burnett, runner, California

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One trigger point therapy treatment completely relieved a nasty stubborn hip pain that I'd had for five months!

Jan Campbell, retired French language teacher, Palm Springs, recovered easily from several months of hip pain

Testimonial icon

Really interesting reading. I quickly found information I haven’t seen anywhere else, and it was referenced. No one has ever even suggested that lower leg muscles might be involved. I’ve often wondered about that.

Steven Coombs, plantar fasciitis sufferer

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I spent seven hours straight sitting at my computer and my back didn't hurt at all! You’re a genius! Thanks so much.

Isabelle Deguise, Graduate Student

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Finding this information was a huge relief for me. I really did think I had “tried everything.” But I found pages and pages of stuff in your article that no other doctor or therapist had ever even mentioned.

Jared Foster, long-distance runner

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I used to have unbearable episodes of back pain, and had stopped playing squash completely — it was just too risky. After a handful of treatments, I was pain-free! Just in time for becoming a father, too! And the relief has been surprisingly long-lasting.

Majid Ghorbani, MBA Student

Testimonial icon

Outstanding, excellent work! I really want to commend you. I teach trigger points, and I will be recommending your tutorial to my students. Thanks very much.

John Harris, medical massage therapy instructor, Santa Barbara, co-author of Fix Pain: Bodywork Protocols for Myofascial Pain Syndromes

Testimonial icon

I have read your tutorial on patellofemoral pain syndrome, and it seems to provide the only sensible information I can find on the subject, despite countless hours on Google, and endless hours with three different physical therapists, an orthopedic surgeon, and my regular MD.

Heather F., patient with 6 months of “constant pain”

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I am really enjoying your trigger points tutorial. It’s great to have a lot of extra, professional information to work with. I have found a serious shortage of information on the web, so it was easy to pay for your tutorial given the clear quality conveyed by the introduction.

Daniel Jalkut, software developer, Somerville, Massachusetts

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Thank you! There is more and better information here than anywhere else I found. What a relief to have a truly comprehensive resource. I was so sick of reading all the same old basic advice.

Jan A., triathlete, Oregon

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After about six weeks of solid reading I haven’t even scratched the surface of the information. There’s so much good information I’m overloaded — but in a good way, and all for such a low price. It is more than a good value for the money.

Hannah Jarvis, Hannah Jarvis, UK

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Nearly 400 footnotes! If there were something like a Ralph Nader award for studious, debunking health care professionals, I’d nominate you.

Mary Ann Kae, Licensed Massage Practitioner, Seattle

Testimonial icon

Remember me? I had what you diagnosed as iliotibial band syndrome and you suggested I try the ice cup method. Well it worked wonderfully and I have never had any recurrence of this problem. Thank you so much for your invaluable advice!

Irene Kerosec, Vancouver

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I’m really enjoying your work!

Janice Kregor, competitive swimmer, retired pediatrician, medical school instructor

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Much more informative and easy to read than anything else I could easily find. I laughed quite a bit, actually.

Pearl Lim, lawyer, Hong Kong

Testimonial icon

Your article about patellofemoral pain is by far the best resource on the web — a true service, I think, to those who are getting bad information from doctors and physical therapists.

Adam Lowry, long-distance runner, California

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Thanks for a hugely informative tour of the dark continent of knee pain.

Bob Maul, former nationally ranked Masters swimmer (Bob says, “Bad knees ended that chapter of my life.”)

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Thank you for all the sound information! Other information was confusing and conflicting to sift through compared to your tutorial. I appreciate the time and effort that must have gone into creating it.

Karen McCulloch, long distance runner, Wisconsin

Testimonial icon

ITBS is very annoying to research on the net given the massive amount of inaccurate information posted by people who have no right commenting on the issue. It's great to finally find something this comprehensive.

Ben Paynter, chronic ITBS sufferer, an Englishman in Australia

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It was (almost literally) killing me that I couldn’t walk. I’d gained weight, morale was very low. Thanks a million for this article, it’s so much more informative than anything else I could find it’s just crazy. Why isn’t this information more available?

Janice Campbell, mother of five, enthusiastic recreational walker, Oregon

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I came across your article about plantar fasciitis and you have managed to diagnose what my doctor could not. Impressive! Many thanks for publishing your clear and concise explanation.

anonymous reader

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I came across your website last night when I was trying to research the anterior knee pain that I have had for 22 years. I read on till midnight, gripped by all you have to say! Thanks for a very, very helpful article.

Marni Rebmann, Matching, Harlow, England

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I read your article on muscle strains, and I was very impressed. You seem to really know your stuff. I wish there was one of you in every state!


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I had to quit golf for pain. With Paul’s help, now I can play all day without a twinge! But Paul offers much more than that — I think he is an old soul.

Judy Rollick, retired teacher

Testimonial icon

My back has been great … I continue to do your wonderful exercises. I sung your praises wherever I went in Africa. Thanks again for your patience and diligence.

Selma Savage, nurse, Vancouver (upon successfully reaching her goal of travelling to Africa without back pain)

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Very much improved since reading your tips and admonitions ...

Leanne Schultz, runner, Victoria, Canada

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Just wanted to say I love your site, it’s full of information! I bought your low back pain tutorial —very good!

Lita Scruton, Ontario

Testimonial icon

We can’t help hoping for magic! But, to your credit, you tell it like it is!

Harold Smage, trigger point sufferer, Elkhorn, Wisconsin

Testimonial icon

After Googling ‘neck knot’ I read an article on some ask-the-clinician site which was pretty useless, and then tried yours. It was exactly the information I was looking for! Your article affirmed some of my own theories and enlightened me with more detailed information. You’re a thorough and organized writer.

Cheryl Sosebee, artist

Testimonial icon

Your writing is clear and easy to follow and you cut away the rampant B.S. that's out there.

Jim Stephens, 20-year muscle pain veteran, Illinois

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I appreciate your research on this subject, and that you have clearly debunked lots of poor quality ‘science.’

Sukey Jacobsen, Mount Vernon, Washington

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If every disorder had such a well written self-diagnostic and treatment guide we'd be a lot closer to manageable spending on health care. Thanks.

Timothy Trutna, programmer with chronic muscle pain, California

Testimonial icon

Your research is impressive.

Gita Upreti, graduate research assistant and casual runner with patello-femoral pain, Arizona

Testimonial icon

I found this article when I was researching how to heal my pulled muscle. I love the mobilization exercises at the end — great for a ‘desk jockey’ like me!

Juanita Vannay

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Thank you again for publishing so much useful information about solving pain problems. After seeing so many doctors over the years that don’t take time to volunteer information I am ecstatic to find your website.

Carla Whitney, trigger point sufferer

Testimonial icon

I recently purchased your low back pain tutorial. What a fascinating read. You certainly have done a lot of research and what you say does make a lot of sense. I am very optimistic that you've got me pointed in the right direction.

Colin Ylioja, low back pain sufferer, Regina, Canada

PainSci Member Login » Submit your email to unlock member content. If you can’t remember/access your registration email, please contact me. ~ Paul Ingraham, PainSci Publisher