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February 15 is National Flag of Canada Day. PainScience is a proudly Canadian small business, selling e-books and other educational content about pain and injury since the mid-2000s. Read more about the project. Given Trump’s tariff bullying and threats to annex America’s greatest historical friend, ally, and trading partner, I think I’ll keep this flag up for the rest of the month… or perhaps permanently.
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6 ways being a sucker for supplements can go wrong

 •  • by Paul Ingraham
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Not many supplements have dangerous side effects at sane dosages, and so they are often defended by asking, “What’s the harm?” This is a naive cliché of medical credulity. Just because a supplement isn’t directly poisonous doesn’t mean there aren’t very real indirect and/or non-medical threats. And those are:

  1. Wasting time, attention, and money.+And spending money on most supplements is not just wasting it … it’s giving it to assholes. 😱 Straight into the deep pockets of corporate douchebags. Big Suppla is mostly a subsidiary of Big Pharma these days. And most of the exceptions? MLMs! Multi-level marketing scams run by shady creeps raking in the dough at the tops of their pyramid schemes.
  2. The “opportunity cost” of the road not taken.+Good health is at least 95% about “the basics.” Health “optimizations” are not just much less important, they also have a significant opportunity cost: every moment and dollar spent on the not-basics is stolen directly from the much more important basics!
  3. It’s often unsafe to replace or delay real medical care with supplements (or to combine them).
  4. Faith in supplements often leads to overzealous dosing and a much greater risk of side effects.
  5. Believing trivial bullshit leads to believing serious bullshit. (The pandemic demonstrated this vividly.)
  6. An unregulated and massively profitable industry (“Big Suppla”) means there’s a small but real risk of contamination/adulteration.

And of course all of these apply to most others kinds of snake oil.

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