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Quoted in the NYT on the topic of “pain and the mind”

 •  • by Paul Ingraham
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I was quoted in a New York Times post, “Pain and the Mind,” by Austin Frakt today. Here’s “my” paragraph:

‘Most people with chronic pain aren’t just a little stressed, they are a lot stressed,’ said Paul Ingraham, who has made a career explaining the science of chronic pain and injury rehab. ‘They’re stressed by the pain itself and also by major life challenges and socioeconomic problems that no one could solve with anything less than years of effort and maybe a miracle or two.’ Some stressors that exacerbate pain, as well as contribute to other health problems, are not so easily removed. For many, anxiety is an unavoidable feature of life, and it makes pain worse.

Always nice to see my name on the domain. Which actually happens regularly… but always referring to a well-known french horn player who shares my name. 😉 I think this is actually my first time being quoted in the “newspaper of record.”

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