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Minute Medical School

 •  • by Paul Ingraham
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1-Minute Medical School: Here’s a promising new YouTube video channel: Dr. Rob Tarzwell’s One-Minute Medical School, where “medical topics are broken down so the key point is presented understandably in sixty seconds.”

Rob has been a friend of mine for a few years, and I know him to be a master of splainin’ his knowledge, which is freakishly impressive: he is literally the most educated person I hang out with (and I know some pretty educated people). Dr. Rob is also a regular medical expert guest on a great podcast, Caustic Soda, a show of black comedy about everything and anything gross and horrible and fascinating. So that gives you a clue about Dr. Rob’s style. This is not a boring guy.

Much of this video series will probably not be about pain topics, but Dr. Rob also has specific expertise in that area, so I’m really looking forward to seeing some 1MMS videos on that topic — and I’ll share them here when they come, and embed them here and there around the site where they will help. Meanwhile, many of my readers will probably enjoy some of his other topics, like anaphylaxis or wrist bones.


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