Detailed guides to painful problems, treatments & more

Many (unnannounced) updates and upgrades

 •  • by Paul Ingraham
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Weekly nuggets of pain science news and insight, usually 100-300 words, with the occasional longer post. The blog is the “director’s commentary” on the core content of a library of major articles and books about common painful problems and popular treatments. See the blog archives or updates for the whole site.

My weird nine-week sabbatical-ish thing is done, and I’ve begun a proper holiday of a few more weeks. It was such a peculiar experience that I blogged a bit of a post-mortem: what’s it like tyring to “finish your career” in a couple months?

I have a huge backlog of posts and announcements prepared for this blog, but I’ll hang onto them until I’ve had the holiday. It would be easy enough to post something every day, just a couple minutes — it’s all mostly ready to go — but then you all would want to comment, and correct, and debate, and discuss (on Facebook especially) and I would end up either getting into it, or feeling guilty for not getting into it, and before you know it my brain is full of work again! So the blog will remain mostly idle for another few weeks, and will finally resume “sometime in March” (some comfortable latitude there).

Meanwhile, if you browse around, there are lots of updates and upgrades to be discovered. In particular, try the new, “smart” index to the site (and there’s one announcement taken care of early).

PainSci Member Login » Submit your email to unlock member content. If you can’t remember/access your registration email, please contact me. ~ Paul Ingraham, PainSci Publisher