Examine Personalized: Monthly nutrition research summaries
Monthly summaries of health science studies, from Examine.com, a trusted source (I know these guys well)… ooh, lovely, wish I’d had this looong ago. There’s a lot of research, far too much for anyone to stay on top of it. It’s my job to try, and I cannot keep up. It would take a team, and that’s what they’ve got.
I have seen similar services, but none this good. I got a sneak peak, and I’m hooked. It’s ideal content for professionals and inquisitive patients, and reaches for the same goals I have for PainScience.com: rigorous but readable. Because it’s Examine, there’s a strong focus on nutrition, but it relates to other topics, including many that are directly relevant to pain and injury medicine.
Launch sale now through Fri, deals on yearly and lifetime prices. Please subscribe using this link to give PainSci a referral reward.
Research analysis is something we can all use little help with (or a lot)
One of the most common questions in my inbox is “How can I learn to analyze research?” On the one hand, I never want to discourage this enthusiasm. Anyone can learn some of those skills, and probably should (and here’s some tips).
On the other hand, science is complicated, and getting good at studying the studies is a learning curve that never ends. It is not a realistic climb within the constraints of most people’s priorities. There’s just too much to know.
So hire some help. Examine’s summaries are a terrific place to start understanding the research. Let their team pick out the most useful, and give you a huge head start on understanding them.
Affiliate marketing? Referral links? Did hell freeze over?
Referral links aren’t really my bag. You’ve never see one here before. PainScience.com is known for being idealistically ad-free, tasteful, and straightforward with none of the nerve-jangling ecommerce clutter we endure everywhere online.
I am plugging Examine Personalized because it’s extremely similar to what I would create for my own readers… if I had nine expert heads.
You know when you see an advert and you realize that advertising isn’t obnoxious when it’s actually meant for you? Affiliate marketing is like dating: kinda gross and annoying… until you find the right match, and then you’re like, “This is the best!”
Examine has always been a bit of a sister site to PainSci, and now more than ever. If you can’t beat ‘em (and I can’t beat them at this, not without an entire smartypants team of my own) add them to your own ebookstore!
Examine Personalized “versus” PainScience.com
I produce several of my own study summaries per month, adding them to a large bibliography I’ve been curating for about 18 years now. My What’s New page lists recent highlights in the bibliography, and there’s always a bunch.
I could conceivably sell a subscription service much like Examine Personalized, just more focused and idiosyncratic, but there are a bunch of problems with that idea, mainly that I don’t really want to do it — my cup runneth over. I am quite busy enough as it is.
Maybe next year. Meanwhile, Examine Personalized is much more suitable as a consistent, well-rounded source of research analysis that’s worthy of a subscription fee.