Detailed guides to painful problems, treatments & more

Copyright, Reprinting, and Translations for

Every page on is my intellectual property, and I make a living from it. Unauthorized reproduction of complete articles is not cool. Please don’t do that. Unfortunately, there are almost no circumstances in which I will authorize it — my content is too valuable to me right where it is.

However, you are welcome to publish excerpts on your blog or website. But …


Feel free to publish translations of my articles without explicit permission — you don’t need to ask — as long as you stay within these guidelines:

Naturally, I reserve the right to revoke permission to publish the translation if in my opinion these terms aren’t respected, or for any other reason.

Sharing or “loaning” books

Some pages are more valuable than others. I sell several books (aka tutorials) on this website, about topics like muscle strains, neck pain, and shin splints. I encourage my customers to share these with friends and family — I have a very liberal lending policy.

But there are limits! In particular, I prefer that health care professionals — even professionals who have bought all my books — not share them with patients — because that’s just opening the floodgates. Be considerate, and recommend them for purchase. If you have a patient who is poor and desperate, encourage them to contact me and ask for a free copy.

PainSci Member Login » Submit your email to unlock member content. If you can’t remember/access your registration email, please contact me. ~ Paul Ingraham, PainSci Publisher