Associations of the 'weekend warrior' physical activity pattern with all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: the Mexico City Prospective Study
Two pages on PainSci cite O’Donovan 2024: 1. The Trouble with Chairs 2. Three painful science snacks: weekend warriorism, exercise for back pain, and calcific tendinitis
PainSci notes on O’Donovan 2024:
This new study of 150,000 Mexicans by O’Donovan showed literally identical risk of dying from any cause in both weekend warriors and more frequent exercisers. This is a persuasively large data set, with quite reassuring implications for weekend warriors!
However, they also noted that — regardless of timing — there was much more benefit if workouts were “at least 30-60 minutes.”
original abstract †Abstracts here may not perfectly match originals, for a variety of technical and practical reasons. Some abstacts are truncated for my purposes here, if they are particularly long-winded and unhelpful. I occasionally add clarifying notes. And I make some minor corrections.
OBJECTIVES: The objective was to investigate the benefits of the 'weekend warrior' physical activity pattern in Latin America, where many people take part in high levels of non-exercise physical activity.
METHODS: Participants in the Mexico City Prospective Study were surveyed from 1998 to 2004 and resurveyed from 2015 to 2019. Those who exercised up to once or twice per week were termed weekend warriors. Those who exercised more often were termed regularly active. Analyses were adjusted for potential confounders.
RESULTS: The main analysis included 26006 deaths in 154882 adults (67% female) aged 52±13 years followed for 18±4 years (mean±SD). Compared with those who reported no exercise, the HR (95% CI) was 0.88 (0.83 to 0.93) in the weekend warriors and 0.88 (0.84 to 0.91) in the regularly active. Similar results were observed for cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality, but associations were weaker. Stratified analyses showed that substantial reductions in all-cause mortality risk only occurred when the duration of exercise sessions was at least 30-60min. The repeated-measures analysis included 843 deaths in 10023 adults followed for 20±2 years. Compared with being inactive or becoming inactive, the HR was 0.86 (95% CI 0.65 to 1.12) when being a weekend warrior or becoming a weekend warrior and 0.85 (95% CI 0.70 to 1.03) when being regularly active or becoming regularly active.
CONCLUSIONS: This is the first prospective study to investigate the benefits of the weekend warrior physical activity pattern in Latin America. The results suggest that even busy adults could benefit from taking part in one or two sessions of exercise per week.
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