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My back pain book is a sign-up bonus for Physio Network

 •  • by Paul Ingraham
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Weekly nuggets of pain science news and insight, usually 100-300 words, with the occasional longer post. The blog is the “director’s commentary” on the core content of a library of major articles and books about common painful problems and popular treatments. See the blog archives or updates for the whole site.

Physio Network is doing their Christmas promotion … and my back pain book is the signing bonus! Thanks, Physio Network — it’s been a pleasure working with you to make this happen. Again. (We did this with my frozen shoulder book back in the spring.)

I have now been upgrading and refining my back book for almost 20 years. Sometimes I think of it as an e-beast instead of an e-book, because it’s soooo huge (185k words now). There are entire websites with less content than that. And maintaining it is a literally never-ending task! Calling it the “complete” guide is silly hyperbole, of course: no book about back pain could ever truly be complete. I’m not sure a whole set of books would do the job.

But I continue to aim in that direction, and I very actively upgrade and expand the e-beast. (Just yesterday I added a section about Hydrocollators.) And I always welcome comments, questions, requests or suggestions about the book.

(And of course you can read a free intro on, and buy the book directly from me if you prefer.)

Looks like it’s time to update my promotional graphics. I haven’t seen bezels that big in years! Also that title is old, and I don’t use that spine model image anymore. The writing/publishing work never ends!

PainSci Member Login » Submit your email to unlock member content. If you can’t remember/access your registration email, please contact me. ~ Paul Ingraham, PainSci Publisher