Bad Science Watch
I’m on the board of a new Canadian science advocacy organization, Bad Science Watch. We will work to get science into Canadian politics, where it can do the most good. We’ll be focusing on any issue where science is relevant to Canadians, so obviously health science issues will be a big part of that. Bad Science Watch Executive Director, Jamie Williams:
“The Canadian public has been poorly-served by a government which displays little respect for objectivity and science. Consequently, weak consumer protection regulations allow the sale of products and services that don’t work, and Canadians are exploited by the unscrupulous or misinformed.”
Relevance to That’s easy: being involved in projects like Bad Science Watch, and editing for Science-Based Medicine, keeps me interacting with (and learning from) some extremely serious people and big ideas. It’s hard to overstate how valuable those relationships are, and how great it is that I can call up one of my fellow BSW board members, or fire off an email to any one of several geniuses at SBM, and ask, “Check my thinking on this?”

My new head shot for the BSW site. I had to borrow a suit jacket. I’m a writer — I don’t have suit jackets! Instructions to the photographer: “Make me look like a director.”