Dynamic support of the human longitudinal arch: a biomechanical evaluation
Three pages on PainSci cite Thordarson 1995: 1. Massage Therapy for Shin Splints 2. Massage Therapy for Tired Feet (and Plantar Fasciitis!) 3. Complete Guide to Plantar Fasciitis
PainSci commentary on Thordarson 1995: ?This page is one of thousands in the PainScience.com bibliography. It is not a general article: it is focused on a single scientific paper, and it may provide only just enough context for the summary to make sense. Links to other papers and more general information are provided wherever possible.
This article as summarized by Bolgla: “The posterior tibialis provides the most significant dynamic arch support during the stance phase of gait. The posterior tibialis eccentrically lengthens to control pronation and reduce the tension applied to the plantar fascia during weight acceptance.” And we also know from Basmajian 1963 that the arch muscles only “kick in” to under quite heavy loads: about 400 pounds.
original abstract †Abstracts here may not perfectly match originals, for a variety of technical and practical reasons. Some abstacts are truncated for my purposes here, if they are particularly long-winded and unhelpful. I occasionally add clarifying notes. And I make some minor corrections.
This study was designed to evaluate the dynamic support provided to the human longitudinal arch by the leg muscles active in the stance phase of gait and by the plantar aponeurosis. Ten fresh adult cadaveric specimens were mounted in a materials testing machine. The tendons of the posterior tibialis, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, and Achilles tendon were attached to force transducers. Plantar loads of 0, 350 and 700 N were applied, and the tendons were tensioned individually. The Achilles tendon was tensioned an amount equal to the plantar load; the posterior tibialis, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, peroneus longus, and peroneus brevis were tensioned a fractional amount (depending on the proportion of the cross-sectional area to the gastrocsoleus complex). The angular relationships between the first metatarsal, navicular, and talus were recorded using a 3-dimensional movement analysis system. An additional series of measurements was obtained by positioning the ankle plantarflexed 10 degrees under a plantar load of 350 N. Dorsiflexing the toes with the ankle in a neutral position and loading the foot to 350 N and 700 N permitted an evaluation of the effect of the plantar aponeurosis. The plantar aponeurosis, via dorsiflexion of the toes, contributed the most significant arch support in the sagittal plane with a 3.6 degrees increase between the first metatarsal and talus at 350 N and a 2.3 degrees increase at 700 N. The posterior tibialis tendon consistently provided arch support at plantar loads of 350 N and 700 N. The peroneus longus consistently abducted the forefoot in the transverse plane at 350-N and 700-N load levels. The study provides further insight into the dynamic supporting and deforming forces of the longitudinal arch.
This page is part of the PainScience BIBLIOGRAPHY, which contains plain language summaries of thousands of scientific papers & others sources. It’s like a highly specialized blog. A few highlights:
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- Recovery trajectories in common musculoskeletal complaints by diagnosis contra prognostic phenotypes. Aasdahl 2021 BMC Musculoskelet Disord.
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- Moderators of the effect of therapeutic exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. Holden 2023 The Lancet Rheumatology.
- Inciting events associated with lumbar disc herniation. Suri 2010 Spine J.