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Warm-up, stretching and massage diminish harmful effects of eccentric exercise

PainSci » bibliography » Rodenburg et al 1994
Tags: massage, stretch, exercise, manual therapy, treatment, self-treatment, muscle

One page on PainSci cites Rodenburg 1994: A Deep Dive into Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness

PainSci notes on Rodenburg 1994:

Although the title sounds positive about massage, the article is actually much less optimistic: results were equivocal, showing that the treatment regimen had some benefits, but was conspicuously ineffective when it came to, for instance, reducing pain. “DOMS on pressure ... did not differ between the groups.” Although it’s nice to see that this combination of therapies probably had some beneficial effect, it’s hardly persuasive if they didn’t reduce the pain of DOMS. I think it’s reasonably safe to assume that none of them alone are definitely effective.

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