How Can Chiropractic Become a Respected Mainstream Profession? The Example of Podiatry
The article was originally published in Chiropractic & Osteopathy (Volume 10, Article 10, August 29, 2008). Authors in this online journal own the copyright but provide open access that permits unrestricted use and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The article concludes:
> Reform of the chiropractic profession is long overdue. We need to make dramatic changes in the profession if we are to advance ourselves in the direction of becoming a credible, respected and widely utilized profession. . . . The opportunity is there for us to correct our mistakes, but we must act now. The only question is whether the chiropractic profession has the integrity, vision and self reflection required to make the necessary changes. Time will tell.
Chiropractic & Osteopathy which began publishing in April 2005, is chiropractic's most science-based journal and the one most willing to examine what chiropractors do wrong.

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