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An old flame reignites: vagal neuropathy secondary to neurosyphilis

PainSci » bibliography » Klein et al 2014
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Two pages on PainSci cite Klein 2014: 1. Can Massage Therapy Cause Nerve Damage?2. Can neck massage stimulate the vagus nerve? For better or worse? (Member Post)

original abstract Abstracts here may not perfectly match originals, for a variety of technical and practical reasons. Some abstacts are truncated for my purposes here, if they are particularly long-winded and unhelpful. I occasionally add clarifying notes. And I make some minor corrections.

OBJECTIVE: This report describes neurosyphilis presenting as vocal fold paresis and velopharyngeal incompetence. This represents the first reported case of neurosyphilis presenting as a vagal neuropathy since 1963.

STUDY DESIGN: Case report.

METHODS: Review of medical records and literature search.

RESULTS: The patient presented with voice changes and nasopharyngeal reflux of liquids. Examination showed a left vocal fold paresis and moderate velopharyngeal incompetence. Laryngeal electromyography revealed evidence of denervation, and neurologic evaluation showed bilateral Adie's pupils and a positive CSF VDRL. A remote history of syphilis treated with one intramuscular injection was obtained. The patient was treated with 6 weeks of penicillin and regained normal vocal function with minimal residual intermittent hypernasality.

CONCLUSIONS: Given the recent increase in the incidence of syphilis in the United States, this case serves as a reminder of the importance of including syphilis in the differential diagnosis of cranial neuropathies and the increasing likelihood of syphilis presenting to otolaryngology and speech pathology practices. Syphilis, a disease whose incidence had declined progressively for 60 years in the United States, is now resurgent and must be considered in the evaluation of patients presenting with unexplained cranial neuropathies.

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