Low-intensity shockwave therapy improves baseline erectile function: a randomized sham-controlled crossover trial
One page on PainSci cites Kennady 2023: Does Ultrasound or Shockwave Therapy Work?
original abstract †Abstracts here may not perfectly match originals, for a variety of technical and practical reasons. Some abstacts are truncated for my purposes here, if they are particularly long-winded and unhelpful. I occasionally add clarifying notes. And I make some minor corrections.
BACKGROUND: Low-intensity shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction is emerging as a promising treatment option.
AIM: This randomized sham-controlled crossover trial assessed the efficacy of low-intensity shockwave therapy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
METHODS: Thirty-three participants with organic erectile dysfunction were enrolled and randomized to shockwave therapy (n = 17) or sham (n = 16). The sham group was allowed to cross over to receive shockwave therapy after 1 month.
OUTCOMES: Primary outcomes were the changes in Sexual Health Inventory for Men (SHIM) score and Erection Hardness Score at 1 month following shockwave therapy vs sham, and secondary outcomes were erectile function measurements at 1, 3, and 6 months following shockwave therapy.
RESULTS: At 1 month, mean SHIM scores were significantly increased in the shockwave therapy arm as compared with the sham arm (+3.0 vs -0.7, P = .024). Participants at 6 months posttreatment (n = 33) showed a mean increase of 5.5 points vs baseline (P < .001), with 20 (54.6%) having an increase ≥5. Of the 25 men with an initial Erection Hardness Score <3, 68% improved to a score ≥3 at 6 months. When compared with baseline, the entire cohort demonstrated significant increases in erectile function outcomes at 1, 3, and 6 months after treatment.
CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: In this randomized sham-controlled crossover trial, we showed that 54.6% of participants with organic erectile dysfunction met the minimal clinically important difference in SHIM scores after treatment with low-intensity shockwave therapy.
STRENGTHS AND LIMITATIONS: Strengths of this study include a sham-controlled group that crossed over to treatment. Limitations include a modest sample size at a single institution.
CONCLUSIONS: Low-intensity shockwave therapy improves erectile function in men with erectile dysfunction as compared with sham treatment, which persists even 6 months after treatment.
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