A Biomechanical Perspective of Predicting Injury Risk in Running
original abstract †Abstracts here may not perfectly match originals, for a variety of technical and practical reasons. Some abstacts are truncated for my purposes here, if they are particularly long-winded and unhelpful. I occasionally add clarifying notes. And I make some minor corrections.
PURPOSE: Provide a current review of the literature concerning the epidemiology and risk factors for injuries in runners.
DATA SOURCES: The information in this paper is taken from a review of articles and book chapters (Source: PubMed and MEDLINE, years covered 1966-2006).
CONCLUSIONS: Understanding the precise causative nature of risk factors in running populations remains a challenging task. Comparison of various works in the literature is impeded by large variations in injury definition, subject population and study design. Weekly running volume continues to be considered a strong risk factor, however more work is needed to determine whether it is the absolute volume, or the increase in volume that is deleterious. Recent research has provided greater insight into the risks that previous injury and lack of full rehabilitation may play in recreational runners starting a training program. Variables related to excessive rear-foot eversion and pronation are frequently sited in combination with the incidence of specific injuries; however, the role of impact characteristics remains in debate. Isokinetic research of hip muscle function is helping to link our understanding of lower extremity kinematics, but requires more research to be proven as a causative factor. Future research in joint coupling and functional training of the complete lower extremity will be beneficial in implementing preventative interventions for running populations.
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