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Expert Profile: Dr. Chan Gunn

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Dr. Chan Gunn, CM, OBC, MD, PhD, is the founder of the “Gunn IMS” program at the University of British Columbia, part of the Faculty of Medicine there. Dr. Gunn promotes Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) as “a total system for the diagnosis and treatment of persistent myofascial pain syndromes, including muscle, joint, tendon, bursal, fascial, neural and biomechanical problems. The approach is based on a neuropathic model of musculoskeletal dysfunction.” In 2002 Dr Gunn was inducted into the Order of Canada for his contributions in the field of pain study. He is a clinical professor at the University of Washington and has been invited to lecture internationally on his approaches to pain therapy.

~ Paul Ingraham, PainSci Publisher

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